Aug 25, 2009

Preoperative and postoperative instructions

Preoperative instructions
  1. If your surgery is planned under local anesthesia or IV sedation, you can be discharged immediately after surgery.
    If your surgery is planned under general anesthesia, you can be discharged 4 to 6 hours after surgery.
    In some cases, you can be hospitalized for 1 day.
  2. DISCONTINUE alcohol, recreational drugs, and smoking several weeks prior to surgery.
    If your lungs are congested or have wheezing, the surgery cannot be done as the risk of pneumonia and poor healing is too great!
  3. DO NOT take aspirin, ibuprofen, large doses of Vitamin E, or algae-containing food supplements for at least 2 weeks prior to surgery. They may act as a blood thinner and promote excessive bruising. You may use Tylenol or similar medications.
  4. DO NOT eat or drink anything after midnight on the day before surgery, if your surgery is planned under general anesthesia.
  5. DO NOT bring rings, watches, other jewelry or large sums of money to the surgery center or hospital; leave these items safely at home.
  6. Laboratory tests or "blood work" may be required several days prior to surgery if your surgery is planned under general anesthesia or you have some diagnosed illness.
    Prior to surgery, should you develop any fever, chills or other signs of a cold or other infection, call the office immediately.
  7. Wear loose fitting clothing to the surgery center.
    The shirt should button or zip down the front.
    Bring shoes with 1-2"heels with flat bottom if you plan calf reduction.
  8. If you live in USA, Canada, Australia and Europe, prepare Arnica product to minimize postoperative swelling and bruise. (Sinnech from alpha pharmaceuticals in America, Arnica from Nelsons in England )

Postoperative instructions

  1. Discharge: You will be discharged approximately 1 hour after surgery if your surgery was done under local anesthesia.
    You will be discharged about 6 hours after surgery or the day after surgery if your surgery was done under general anesthesia.
  2. Prescription: Begin taking the medicine as soon as you return home or as your surgeon instructs.
    The medicine will last about 3-7 days and will generally not be refilled.
  3. Bandages: You will have compression bandages or stockings on after the surgery.
    Do not remove them. They will be changed during your first office visit.
  4. Office Visits: Your first post-operative office visit will be 2-3 days after your surgery.
    Your next visits are usually scheduled every 3-4 days for 2 weeks, weekly intervals for 2-3 weeks, then monthly for 2 months.
  5. Showering: You may shower 3-4 days after the surgery.
    DO NOT get the bandages wet.
  6. Activity Level: You can resume your daily activity within a week after face surgery.
    Calf Reduction : Bed rest for 24 hours with the legs elevated.
    After that you may move about but no strenuous activity.
    You will be more comfortable in shoes with 1-2" heels.
    Do the stretching exercise in every 30 minutes.
  7. Sun Exposure: DO NOT expose the wound to the sun (or tanning bed) for at least 2-3 weeks after the surgery as severe burns can occur from minimal exposure.
    Scars must be covered when exposed to sun or tanning bed (so as not to hyper-pigment) until all redness is gone, about 3-6 months. You may use tanning creams.

1 comment:

  1. Toronto Cosmetic Clinic (TCC) is a physician directed and led cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery clinic.
