Dec 21, 2015

Optical illusion for calf reshaping

Longer and slimmer calf using optical illusion
(Partial resection of Gastrocnemius muscle)

Optical illusion in calf reduction

Fashion and plastic surgery have many commons.
Optical illusion can maximize the effect.

Dark colored suits and vertical stripes which can make people look taller is one of the easiest dressing tricks.
Double eyelid surgery which can make eyes look bigger and augmentation rhnoplasty which can make face look smaller are optical illusions in plastic surgery.

Optical illusion play a big role in calf reduction surgery.
Not only reducing the circumference of calf but also making calf look taller and slimmer can make the best results.
That's the reason why I prefer this 'partial resection of Gastrocnemius' as 'calf reshaping' rather than 'simple calf reduction'.

Denervation atrophy of calf can't predict the amount of reduction and can't control the shape of calf.
But muscle resection can adjust the amount and site of muscle resection easily and the result is predictable.
That's the reason why my patients have much slimmer and longer looking calves than other patients.

1. Optical illusion No.1
A famous optical illusion.
All lines are the same length but the line on the right looks the longest.

Protruding Gastrocnemius muscle makes inverted arrow in calf and makes it look shorter.
Reducing calf circumference at mid calf can make it look straight tubular shape and makes it look longer.

2. Optical illusion No.2

Slimmer rectangle on right looks taller.

Slimmer calf always looks longer.

3. Optical illusion No.3
As you can see in the illustration below, the box which has been cut in the middle looks the widest and the shortest while the box in the right looks slimmer and narrower.
The longer an eye travels up or down calf before it is interrupted by a horizontal line, the taller and slimmer your calf will look.

Calf which has shorter muscle bulk looks longer.
Lower bulging in calf by protruding Gastrocnemius muscle makes it look heavier and shorter.
This is the most important optical illusion in calf reduction surgery.
By moving the center of gravity of calf upward, the calf can look longer and slimmer.
That's the reason why I remove the lowest portion of Gastrocnemius most excessively.

4. Optical illusion No.4
Curved, rounded, circular line increase the size and shape of the figure.
Vertical up and down looks taller and thinner.

Less curvature and straighter line makes calf look more attractive and longer and slimmer.
See the straightening of curvature in calf outline in right.

Like this, calf reduction is not just slimming of calf.
This can make calf look much longer, slimmer, and straighter.
So, calf reshaping is the right term for this surgery.

Let's see before and after picture of my patient.
Calf circumference decrease about 4 cm.
But the change looks more drastic because her calf looks much longer, slimmer, and straighter by optical illusion.
Center of gravity in her calf moved up a lot.

Copyright reserved for OZ Cosmetic Clinic
Hyuncheol Park MD

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